The Special Occasion Store
Homecoming Chains E-Book (PDF Download)
Suggested Retail Price: $9.99
Your Discounted Cost: $7.75
You Save: 22 %
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Download this book on how to make 10 different Ribbon Chains and Braids for Homecoming Mums.
NOTICE:This is material is copyrighted. It is unlawful to make copies to sell for profit or share with others for free without the rightful owners consent. We are watching all sights that share files and violators will be prosecuted.
Suggested Retail Price: $7.59
Your Discounted Cost: $6.00
You Save: 21 %
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Our Secret Recipe for making the Basic Single Homecoming Mum is now for sale. This is a step by step guide to making the mum we have sold over 100,000 of. 10 pages.
Your Discounted Cost: Display Only
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